What Hedges Inflation?

  • Inflation is inevitable in market economies, but investors can prepare for it by investing in asset types that outperform the market during periods of high inflation.
  • Keeping inflation-hedged asset classes on your watch list and striking when you see inflation will help your diversified portfolio thrive when inflation strikes.
  • Gold, commodities, various real estate investments, and TIPS are all common anti-inflation assets.
  • Many people have viewed gold as a “alternative currency,” especially in places where the national currency is depreciating.
  • Commodities and inflation have a unique relationship in which commodities are a predictor of future inflation; as the price of a commodity rises, the price of the products that the commodity is used to make rises as well.

What are some excellent inflation hedges?

ETFs and mutual funds are two of the most straightforward ways to diversify investments into international markets. When compared to acquiring a portfolio of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) or foreign stocks, these funds are a low-cost method to invest. If you’re already invested in S&P 500 index funds, you might want to diversify your holdings with an international index fund.

How do businesses protect themselves from inflation?

TIPS also feature a component that protects against inflation. They modify the principle’s value in response to changes in the CPI. TIPS may not provide the best returns, but they are structured to appreciate in value if the rate of inflation rises, and they may outperform Treasury bonds if inflation returns.

TIPS, on the other hand, aren’t perfect because they may lose value briefly as interest rates rise. TIPs are appropriate for investors looking for protection against inflation and credit default, and they can be purchased through a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund by inexperienced investors (ETF).

Add stocks to your portfolio

If inflation returns, equity investments will benefit, but the bond market would suffer because it earns a stable income throughout. Stocks provide inflation protection in two ways: they pay a dividend and they increase over time. Companies that increase their net revenues also increase the dividends paid to shareholders, ensuring that investors will get bigger cash flows in the future.

Even as the rate of inflation rises, the larger cash flows boost the purchasing power of investors. Furthermore, stocks tend to increase in value over time, and having a diverse stock portfolio can safeguard investors against the depreciation of money’s purchasing power. Stocks acquired for $1,000 now, for example, might be worth more than $100,000 in 10 to 20 years.

Diversify your portfolio

Another way for investors to protect themselves from inflation is to build a diversified portfolio of stocks from all over the world. Other countries, such as Japan, Australia, and South Korea, may be experiencing stable cycles that offer good returns for investors when the US economy is seeing a drop in the purchasing power of money.

Investing in a diverse portfolio of equities from other nations can safeguard investors from the US market’s falling purchasing power.

Additional Resources

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What investments do well in the face of inflation?

  • In the past, tangible assets such as real estate and commodities were seen to be inflation hedges.
  • Certain sector stocks, inflation-indexed bonds, and securitized debt are examples of specialty securities that can keep a portfolio’s buying power.
  • Direct and indirect investments in inflation-sensitive investments are available in a variety of ways.

How will you protect yourself from inflation in 2022?

During the epidemic, there was a surge in demand for products and labor, resulting in the fastest rate of consumer price and wage inflation since the early 1990s. As the pandemic passes and spending moves toward services rather than products, we believe inflation will reduce due to greater labor supply. In the end, it should not jeopardize our base case scenario, which predicts a significantly more vibrant cycle in the 2020s than we experienced in the 2010s.

However, both prices and salaries are expected to rise at a pretty rapid pace. We believe there are three ways for investors to navigate this climate.

Look to real estate for inflation protection

Because leases are regularly reset higher, real estate investors often profit from a natural inflation hedge. Furthermore, we believe the residential and industrial real estate sectors will benefit from strong structural tailwinds. Following the global financial crisis, chronic underbuilding (compared to trend) resulted in a housing shortage in the United States. Workers’ labor is in high demand, and earnings are rising, ensuring that housing remains cheap even as home prices rise. Migration enabled by remote work is also offering opportunities.

The global trend toward e-commerce will demand additional warehouses, storage, and logistics in the industrial sector. The need for further investment is highlighted by problems in the global supply chain that became apparent in 2021. We’re also seeing an increase in demand for life science research facilities. While we prefer to invest in real estate through private markets, publicly traded real estate investment trusts (REITs) have outperformed other equities sectors during periods of rising inflation. In a nutshell, real estate is our favourite option to invest in a higher-inflation climate.

Rely on equities, especially cyclical ones, to drive capital appreciation.

While economists dispute the complexities of inflation, the fundamental principles underlying the current phase appear to be clear: Strong demand and economic growth are driving inflation. Because corporate earnings are also good in inflationary settings, equities tend to do well. We anticipate that stocks of companies that are more closely linked to economic activity and interest rates will likely outperform. Bank stock valuations, for example, have generally been linked to inflation forecasts. In cyclical industries like industrials and commodities, companies with pricing power could see strong revenue increases. Stocks that do well when growth and inflation are rare (think the digital economy) may, on the other hand, be at more risk. In our opinion, you should maintain a fair balance between the two categories, and expect a hard environment for fixed income portfolios as interest rates climb.

Avoid excess cash, and consider borrowing.

In our Long-Term Capital Market Assumptions, 80 percent of the assets we consider have a higher predicted return than inflation. Investing surplus cash in a portfolio that meets your goals and time horizon is the simplest approach to protect purchasing power. Borrowing may be prudent in the current situation. Interest rates remain low, particularly when compared to inflation. A mortgage is a straightforward approach to profit from a healthy home market. If the Federal Reserve reacts to rising inflation by boosting interest rates, borrowing expenses may become less appealing.

Key takeaways

Higher inflation is likely to persist through 2022, but it does not have to be a reason for alarm. Investors can create a portfolio that considers inflation risks and attempts to manage them. While excess cash appears unappealing, relying on equities rather than fixed income and focusing on cyclical sectors and real estate could prove to be profitable strategies. Meanwhile, while policy interest rates are still low, borrowing and settling existing liabilities may be prudent.

In the context of your individual circumstances and aspirations, your J.P. Morgan team can provide you with more information on how the present environment is influencing risk and return possibilities.

Are stocks an effective inflation hedge?

You might not think of a house as a smart method to protect yourself against inflation, but if you buy it with a mortgage, it can be a great way to do so. With a long-term mortgage, you may lock in affordable financing for up to three decades at near-historically low rates.

A fixed-rate mortgage allows you to keep the majority of your housing costs in one payment. Property taxes will increase, and other costs will climb, but your monthly housing payment will remain the same. If you’re renting, that’s definitely not the case.

And, of course, owning a home entails the possibility of its value rising over time. Price appreciation is possible if additional money enters the market.


Stocks are a solid long-term inflation hedge, even though they may be battered by nervous investors in the near term as their concerns grow. However, not all stocks are equivalent in terms of inflation protection. You’ll want to seek for organizations with pricing power, which means they can raise prices on their clients as their own costs grow.

And if a company’s profits increase over time, so should its stock price. While inflation fears may affect the stock market, the top companies are able to weather the storm thanks to their superior economics.


When inflation rises or interest rates are extremely low, gold has traditionally been a safe-haven asset for investors. When real interest rates that is, the reported rate of interest minus the inflation rate go below zero, gold tends to do well. During difficult economic times, investors often look to gold as a store of value, and it has served this purpose for a long time.

One effective way to invest in gold is to acquire it through an exchange-traded fund (ETF). This way, you won’t have to own and protect the gold yourself. Plus, ETFs provide you the option of owning actual gold or equities of gold miners, which can provide a bigger return if gold prices rise.

Is Bitcoin a safe haven from inflation?

But things aren’t going as planned. Bitcoin has lost 18 percent of its value against the dollar since inflation began to pick up in the spring of 2021, lagging other risk assets like the S&P 500 stock index (up 8%) and classic inflation hedges like gold (up 7 percent ).

Is gold a good inflation hedge?

  • Gold is sometimes touted as a hedge against inflation, as its value rises when the dollar’s purchase power diminishes.
  • Government bonds, on the other hand, are more secure and have been demonstrated to pay greater rates as inflation rises, and Treasury TIPS include built-in inflation protection.
  • For most investors, ETFs that invest in gold while also holding Treasuries may be the best option.

Who is the hardest hit by inflation?

Inflation is defined as a steady increase in the price level. Inflation means that money loses its purchasing power and can buy fewer products than before.

  • Inflation will assist people with huge debts, making it simpler to repay their debts as prices rise.

Losers from inflation

Savers. Historically, savers have lost money due to inflation. When prices rise, money loses its worth, and savings lose their true value. People who had saved their entire lives, for example, could have the value of their savings wiped out during periods of hyperinflation since their savings became effectively useless at higher prices.

Inflation and Savings

This graph depicts a US Dollar’s purchasing power. The worth of a dollar decreases during periods of increased inflation, such as 1945-46 and the mid-1970s. Between 1940 and 1982, the value of one dollar plummeted by 85 percent, from 700 to 100.

  • If a saver can earn an interest rate higher than the rate of inflation, they will be protected against inflation. If, for example, inflation is 5% and banks offer a 7% interest rate, those who save in a bank will nevertheless see a real increase in the value of their funds.

If we have both high inflation and low interest rates, savers are far more likely to lose money. In the aftermath of the 2008 credit crisis, for example, inflation soared to 5% (owing to cost-push reasons), while interest rates were slashed to 0.5 percent. As a result, savers lost money at this time.

Workers with fixed-wage contracts are another group that could be harmed by inflation. Assume that workers’ wages are frozen and that inflation is 5%. It means their salaries will buy 5% less at the end of the year than they did at the beginning.

CPI inflation was higher than nominal wage increases from 2008 to 2014, resulting in a real wage drop.

Despite the fact that inflation was modest (by UK historical norms), many workers saw their real pay decline.

  • Workers in non-unionized jobs may be particularly harmed by inflation since they have less negotiating leverage to seek higher nominal salaries to keep up with growing inflation.
  • Those who are close to poverty will be harmed the most during this era of negative real wages. Higher-income people will be able to absorb a drop in real wages. Even a small increase in pricing might make purchasing products and services more challenging. Food banks were used more frequently in the UK from 2009 to 2017.
  • Inflation in the UK was over 20% in the 1970s, yet salaries climbed to keep up with growing inflation, thus workers continued to see real wage increases. In fact, in the 1970s, growing salaries were a source of inflation.

Inflationary pressures may prompt the government or central bank to raise interest rates. A higher borrowing rate will result as a result of this. As a result, homeowners with variable mortgage rates may notice considerable increases in their monthly payments.

The UK underwent an economic boom in the late 1980s, with high growth but close to 10% inflation; as a result of the overheating economy, the government hiked interest rates. This resulted in a sharp increase in mortgage rates, which was generally unanticipated. Many homeowners were unable to afford increasing mortgage payments and hence defaulted on their obligations.

Indirectly, rising inflation in the 1980s increased mortgage payments, causing many people to lose their homes.

  • Higher inflation, on the other hand, does not always imply higher interest rates. There was cost-push inflation following the 2008 recession, but the Bank of England did not raise interest rates (they felt inflation would be temporary). As a result, mortgage holders witnessed lower variable rates and lower mortgage payments as a percentage of income.

Inflation that is both high and fluctuating generates anxiety for consumers, banks, and businesses. There is a reluctance to invest, which could result in poorer economic growth and fewer job opportunities. As a result, increased inflation is linked to a decline in economic prospects over time.

If UK inflation is higher than that of our competitors, UK goods would become less competitive, and exporters will see a drop in demand and find it difficult to sell their products.

Winners from inflation

Inflationary pressures might make it easier to repay outstanding debt. Businesses will be able to raise consumer prices and utilize the additional cash to pay off debts.

  • However, if a bank borrowed money from a bank at a variable mortgage rate. If inflation rises and the bank raises interest rates, the cost of debt repayments will climb.

Inflation can make it easier for the government to pay off its debt in real terms (public debt as a percent of GDP)

This is especially true if inflation exceeds expectations. Because markets predicted low inflation in the 1960s, the government was able to sell government bonds at cheap interest rates. Inflation was higher than projected in the 1970s and higher than the yield on a government bond. As a result, bondholders experienced a decrease in the real value of their bonds, while the government saw a reduction in the real value of its debt.

In the 1970s, unexpected inflation (due to an oil price shock) aided in the reduction of government debt burdens in a number of countries, including the United States.

The nominal value of government debt increased between 1945 and 1991, although inflation and economic growth caused the national debt to shrink as a percentage of GDP.

Those with savings may notice a quick drop in the real worth of their savings during a period of hyperinflation. Those who own actual assets, on the other hand, are usually safe. Land, factories, and machines, for example, will keep their value.

During instances of hyperinflation, demand for assets such as gold and silver often increases. Because gold cannot be printed, it cannot be subjected to the same inflationary forces as paper money.

However, it is important to remember that purchasing gold during a period of inflation does not ensure an increase in real value. This is due to the fact that the price of gold is susceptible to speculative pressures. The price of gold, for example, peaked in 1980 and then plummeted.

Holding gold, on the other hand, is a method to secure genuine wealth in a way that money cannot.

Bank profit margins tend to expand during periods of negative real interest rates. Lending rates are greater than saving rates, with base rates near zero and very low savings rates.

Anecdotal evidence

Germany’s inflation rate reached astronomical levels between 1922 and 1924, making it a good illustration of high inflation.

Middle-class workers who had put a lifetime’s earnings into their pension fund discovered that it was useless in 1924. One middle-class clerk cashed his retirement fund and used money to buy a cup of coffee after working for 40 years.

Fear, uncertainty, and bewilderment arose as a result of the hyperinflation. People reacted by attempting to purchase anything physical such as buttons or cloth that might carry more worth than money.

However, not everyone was affected in the same way. Farmers fared handsomely as food prices continued to increase. Due to inflation, which reduced the real worth of debt, businesses that had borrowed huge sums realized that their debts had practically vanished. These companies could take over companies that had gone out of business due to inflationary costs.

Inflation this high can cause enormous resentment since it appears to be an unfair means to allocate wealth from savers to borrowers.

What do you do with cash when prices rise?

Maintaining cash in a CD or savings account is akin to keeping money in short-term bonds. Your funds are secure and easily accessible.

In addition, if rising inflation leads to increased interest rates, short-term bonds will fare better than long-term bonds. As a result, Lassus advises sticking to short- to intermediate-term bonds and avoiding anything long-term focused.

“Make sure your bonds or bond funds are shorter term,” she advises, “since they will be less affected if interest rates rise quickly.”

“Short-term bonds can also be reinvested at greater interest rates as they mature,” Arnott says.